December 2024


MAY 2024


Fire Safety can be easy, here are some useful guides and resources

April 2024

The best way to keep informed during an emergency is to seek information from a variety of sources.

You can get information by:

  • using the Emergency WA website

  • staying in touch with neighbours, family and friends

  • being alert and aware of your surroundings

  • following DFES on Facebook

  • listening to ABC local radio, and

  • tuning in to 6PR in the metropolitan area.

If someone you know tells you about a possible emergency, or if you can see or smell something that might be dangerous, that is your warning. Take immediate action to stay safe. Do not wait to receive a warning or text message.

The warnings on the Emergency WA website are also available by calling the relevant agency, for example the DFES emergency information phone line (13 DFES or 13 3337) or the Bureau of Meteorology’s phone lines


Since 2016, Emergency WA has become Western Australia’s most trusted source of emergency information. Emergency WA is coordinated by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services on behalf of the Government of Western Australia.

Information displayed on the site has been sourced from the following agencies.

Other State Government emergency management agencies may also use the website to distribute emergency information.


Emergency WA is your trusted source of emergency information in Western Australia. Emergency WA makes it quicker and easier for you to access emergency information and warnings so you can take action to stay safe. It’s a good idea to bookmark this page in your web browser or on your mobile device. Here you can find information about fires, floods, storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, hazardous material incidents, heatwaves and traffic crashes.


The following video provides a quick instructional overview of the alerts and warnings features on Emergency WA.


Remember, we can’t be everywhere at once, so you may know more about what’s happening near you. Always be aware of your surroundings. If you think you might be in danger, act immediately for your own safety.


In a life-threatening emergency, call triple zero (000).

March 2024